Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I love my job!

I don't write much about my job on here, mostly because of confidentiality. But I have to share something that happened today. If it's not my favorite moment since I started teaching, it's a very close second. One of my students read his first book today! He has a REALLY hard time focusing sometimes, but he has worked very hard this year learning sight words on note cards. Today I pulled out a book to see if he could transfer his knowledge from note cards to an actual book. It was amazing!! I took a video of him reading and showed it to him. He got the biggest kick out of it! I'm pretty sure his mom is the only person who was more excited than I was. Sorry everyone, I have the best job ever. :)


  1. That's so cool! What a neat experience to influence people's lives like that!

    I'm glad you really enjoy your work. Also, thanks for the link on your previous post to the autism awareness site. I don't know that much about autism, but it's an important/interesting topic. I'm also a big supporter of vaccinations (public health), so I was glad the website had up-to-date and accurate info about that.

  2. Hey Melissa! Your mom told me I needed to read this post - especially with the weeks we've been having at good old BES. Nice to hear stories about the reason that we all do what we do every day.

    Nice blog!

  3. Melissa, The world needs more teachers like you. You not only love your job but you love your students. Thank you for all you do.

    Aunt Debbie\

    PS Yes, I cried when I read this.

  4. That was such a good day! It made the whole year worth it.

  5. Hey Melissa! I'm so glad that now I know your blog. You two seem happy! I know people say it so much that it's often cliche but: We'll have to get together sometime for a couples night!
