Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baby Rains

Just like Jeff has been saying all along, Baby Rains will be a little boy! We were very surprised that the doctor did an ultrasound at just 16 weeks, so it was a huge surprise to find out what we were having so soon. We are really excited and can't wait to meet the little fella!


  1. So exciting!We might have to hook them up so then we can be related :)

  2. I can hardly wait! Hope mom and baby are doing great! Let the shopping begin... (it already has! :)

  3. Are you going to name him Stuart? Uncle Thomas wants to know.
    Looking forward to seeing you guys in a couple of weeks.

  4. Congratulations!!! Boys are the best! Not that I have anything to compare them to ... but still, boys are the best!
